Editorial Services

One of the best ways to increase the selling power of your book is to make sure it is well-written. Get the most out of your writing efforts by utilising the AuthorHouse Editorial Services. Our editing team will provide you with a professional, cost-effective service to give your book a decisive advantage on the road to market.

Benefits include:

  • Editors catch costly errors before your book goes to press.
  • You have creative control over any changes that are recommended.
  • Your book stays in the hands of the publisher you trust.

So that you may take advantage of our Editorial Services, it is important that you have access to Microsoft Word 98 or any higher version of the software. Our editing revisions will appear as tracked changes in your manuscript, which must be read using Microsoft Word.

Please review our Editorial Services FAQ for more information on the scope and process of our editing services.

Want to know more about the levels of editing you can get for your book? View our Infographic >

Core Editorial Services

Choosing to self-publish doesn’t necessarily mean self-editing too. If you need help with the technical parts of your writing—grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, structure, and continuity—our professional editors can help fine-tune your work for you.

Advanced Editorial Services

Sometimes manuscripts need specialized attention that goes beyond grammar, spelling and punctuation improvements. Our experienced editors will take a close look at your book's content and other stylistic considerations, including content, plot and pace.